Of gnats, moths and dandelions

Nadja Rentzsch shows her paintings at Kunstwild – Projektraum für Fotografie

16.11. – 6.12.24
12161 Berlin, Eschenstraße 4

Nadja Rentzsch’s solo exhibition in the Friedenau project space for photography, „Kunstwild“, opens up a new perspective on nature and its inhabitants. In her series „Glanz & Gloria“ and „Lieber Löwenzahn“, she shows the beauty of the everyday and draws our attention to the artistic aesthetics of insects and plants.

The dandelion, for example, which is often fought against as a „weed“, is elevated to iconic status here. Its fine, floating seed heads symbolize both transience and the relentless vitality of nature. In a similar way, she also stages the existence of insects: Portrayed on a stage, they unfold their unique splendor and grace.

The staged photographs allow moths, gnats and dandelions to shine. With detailed precision and finely tuned light, Nadja Rentzsch unfolds the „splendor and glory“ of nature and makes us reflect on the importance and value of biodiversity and natural beauty.