Autor: Ludwig Rauch

Imaginary Ecologies

Martin Tscholl
Imaginary Ecologies
published by The Eriskay Connection (2024)

A significant part of the work of artistic researcher Martin Tscholl (DE) involves walking through meadows, forests, and mountains. Here, he encounters a web of interconnections that extends far beyond the realm of humans. This web is inhabited by a wide variety of organisms, materials, and processes that are mutually dependent and in permanent change. By actively looking out for these other beings a correspondence between the human and the non-human spheres starts to unfold. In this process the apparent opposites of the rational and irrational, life and non-life, art and nature, converge. Tscholl’s photography allows us to recognise the silent fragments of nature as being different from us, but also as originating from the same ontological ground.

Photography: Martin Tscholl
Text: Martin Tscholl
Design: Rob van Hoesel
Lithography: Sebastiaan Hanekroot (Colour&Books)
Production: Jos Morree (Fine Books)
Print: NPN Printers (NL)
Binding: Patist (NL)
225 × 308 mm
240 pages
First edition: 1000

Of gnats, moths and dandelions

Nadja Rentzsch shows her paintings at Kunstwild – Projektraum für Fotografie

16.11. – 6.12.24
12161 Berlin, Eschenstraße 4

Nadja Rentzsch’s solo exhibition in the Friedenau project space for photography, „Kunstwild“, opens up a new perspective on nature and its inhabitants. In her series „Glanz & Gloria“ and „Lieber Löwenzahn“, she shows the beauty of the everyday and draws our attention to the artistic aesthetics of insects and plants.

The dandelion, for example, which is often fought against as a „weed“, is elevated to iconic status here. Its fine, floating seed heads symbolize both transience and the relentless vitality of nature. In a similar way, she also stages the existence of insects: Portrayed on a stage, they unfold their unique splendor and grace.

The staged photographs allow moths, gnats and dandelions to shine. With detailed precision and finely tuned light, Nadja Rentzsch unfolds the „splendor and glory“ of nature and makes us reflect on the importance and value of biodiversity and natural beauty.

A look at the Schloss Fachsenfeld Collection – Caspar David Friedrich meets…

Caspar David Friedrich meets… Rainer Enke

at Schloß Fachsenfeld
05.10. – 3.11.2024
73434 Aalen – Fachsenfeld, Am Schlß 1


Caspar David Friedrich postulated that artists should paint what appears before their inner eye. Friedrich thus gazed into nature and created landscapes that still characterize our image of Romanticism today: full of sublimity, longing and melancholy.

But what do contemporary artists see in their mind’s eye when they look at nature? Is it idyll or catastrophe, is it hope or despair?

The Fachsenfeld Castle Foundation is presenting two original sepia drawings by Caspar David Friedrich from its own collection. In artistic dialog with them are the works of contemporary artists who have explored Friedrich’s work and his inner view of nature.

The works of the following artists enter into an exciting artistic dialog with Caspar David Friedrich:

Alfred Bast • Andreas Böhm • Ulrich Brauchle • Hanne Dittrich • Martina Ebel • Artur Elmer • Rainer Enke • Christian Frumolt • Paul Groll • Rudolf Haegele • Simon Maier • Hubert Minsch • Thomas Raschke • Günther Raupp • Jessica Rühmann • Silke Schwab-Krüger • Ines Tartler • Andreas Welzenbach • Werner Zaiß

Moments of staged Realities

Nadja Rentzsch shows her paintings at the KleppArt gallery in Paderborn

15.2.24 bis 6.3.24

Kleppartgasse 10 33098 Paderborn

The Magic of Silence – Homage to C.F.D.

Rainer Enke’s Photographic Impressions
based on the novel of the same name by Florian Illies
are on display from 12.4. to 30.6. 2024 in the waiting room
Dresden Bahnhof -Neustadt.

Zauber der Stille – Hommage an C.D.F.

Rainer Enke zeigt seine fotografischen Impressionen nach dem gleichnamigen Roman von Florian Illies


ab 16.3.24 im Buchkultur Nuthetal

14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbrücke
Zum Springbuch 2

Der sechste Sinn, Meisterklasse Ludwig Rauch


Kunstraum Potsdam
22.10 – 19.11.2023

Als „Sechster Sinn“ wird die Intuition beschrieben, das Bauchgefühl, die Eingebung, das Empfinden im Raum. Es ist etwas, das man mehr spürt und ahnt, als dass man es mit Zahlen und Fakten beschreiben könnte. Vielleicht liegt gerade in diesem Sechsten Sinn ein Ursprung der Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit der Kunst.

Sechs außergewöhnliche Künstlerinnen und Künstler, Sabine Dobinsky, Nadja Rentzsch, Rainer Enke, Martin Tscholl, Ruslan Hrushchak und Michael Matthews haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren in der Meisterklasse von Ludwig Rauch zusammengefunden um einen intensiven Diskurs über Fotografie zu führen, einander zu hinterfragen und zu ermutigen. Hier haben wir daran gearbeitet, die unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Positionen und ihre individuelle Bildsprache weiterzuentwickeln um damit die bestmögliche Umsetzung des eigenen Anspruches an das selbst gewählte Thema zu erreichen.

Portrait of a Lady

The series „Portrait of a Lady“ consists of 15 portraits of women from my extended personal circle. The works were created in their homes, incorporating their familiar environment and treasures from their personal collections. As part of our getting to know one another, I gained insights into entire worlds of stories from lives richly lived, insights that helped me to visualise the wonderful personalities of these women. The staging process allowed me to create a framework in which the women were allowed to tell their own stories, utilizing their own deep self-understanding and charisma. I was fascinated to realize that in addition, a female archetype became recognizable, one in which not only their own roots but those of an era seemed to live on. Working with these ladies revealed to me how the outward expression of a life fully lived enriches the definition of beauty.

Exhibition 8.6.23 bis 30.6.23 Stadtpfarrkirche Müncheberg

From a life of music to a world of photography, Peter Eastway interviews composer Michael Matthews

Canadian-born Michael Matthews is a musician, composer, professor and photographer. A Google search will reveal he is well known and highly applauded in the world of music, with many works and recordings to his credit. He has devoted a lifetime to his music and now in retirement, he is applying himself with equal intensity to the art of photography.

Lviv – the forgotten center of Europe – An exhibition by Rainer Enke in the Dorfkirche Saarmund

Lviv is a city in western Ukraine, around 70 km from the Polish border. Even the most varied names Lviv, Lwów or Lemberg point to the checkered history of the city. Traces of its Polish and Austro-Hungarian past can be seen in the architecture, which combines Central and Eastern European, Italian and German styles. “In Lemberg the old Europe went down. The center of the continent became a black hole, only to be forgotten afterwards. Anyone looking for her today will find a wound that is still open. The history of Lemberg is the history of many Central European cities that were wiped out and depopulated by the great powers Germany and Russia.” Anyone who wants to understand history and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia that has continued to this day should read Lutz C. Klevemann’s book “Lemberg – the forgotten center of Europe”. I visited Lviv and the surrounding region in western Ukraine in 2018 and 2019 and was struck by the unbridled national pride, deep orthodox beliefs and striving for a modern state within the European community. The pictures on display should give a small impression of this still carefree time. Where until recently happiness and exuberance dominated the streets and squares with locals and tourists, streams of refugees are now shaping the street scene again.